International Journal of Head and Neck Surgery

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VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 1 ( January-April, 2010 ) > List of Articles


Nonsyndromic Type of Multiple Basal Cell Carcinoma

D'Cruz Anil, Chaturvedi Pankaj, Chaukar Devendra, Ghatge Amit, Pai Prathamesh, Pantvaidya Gouri

Citation Information : Anil D, Pankaj C, Devendra C, Amit G, Prathamesh P, Gouri P. Nonsyndromic Type of Multiple Basal Cell Carcinoma. Int J Head Neck Surg 2010; 1 (1):25-28.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1005

Published Online: 01-08-2011

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2010; The Author(s).


We report a case of nonsyndromic type of multiple basal cell carcinoma associated purely with actinic keratoses. A 69-year-old Indian male had suffered from multiple, variable-sized papules and nodules on the face, neck and chest for 13 years previous to treatment. He had no history of arsenic intake, irradiation, herb medication, or exposure to chemical warfare gases. Family histories for basal cell carcinoma and xeroderma pigmentosum were negative. Classical features of Gorlin's syndrome were conspicuous by their absence. Histopathologically, the tumors revealed typical findings of basal cell carcinoma arising from actinic keratoses. The case in point is a very rare and unique case in itself as being nonsyndromic, nonhereditary and occurring in the absence of various other environmental conditions as already mentioned in literature.

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