Citation Information :
Trupti K, Vishal R, Chavan P, Kavita U, Ashok S. Osteoradionecrosis Complicating Mandibulotomy. Int J Head Neck Surg 2010; 1 (1):35-37.
Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) of the mandible is a well acknowledged entity following radiotherapy for oral cancers. Mandibular surgery prior to radiotherapy adds an additional risk factor for osteoradionecrosis. Management of these cases poses various hurdles including added morbidity, additional cost for treatment of ORN and suboptimal dose delivery to the tumor bed. This case reports elaborates the issues related to mandibular surgery in patients requiring adjuvant radiotherapy, precautions to be taken and the management of ORN in a postsurgical setting.
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