A Giant Combined Laryngomucocele
Priti Rakesh Dhoke, Nitin Vasant Deosthale, Sonali Prabhakar Khadakkar, Kanchan Sandeep Dhote, Vivek Vishwas Harkare, Bhanupratap Surendrakumar Singh
Citation Information :
Dhoke PR, Deosthale NV, Khadakkar SP, Dhote KS, Harkare VV, Singh BS. A Giant Combined Laryngomucocele. Int J Head Neck Surg 2014; 5 (1):45-47.
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Copyright © 2014; The Author(s).
How to cite this article
Harkare VV, Dhote KS, Deosthale NV, Khadakkar SP, Dhoke PR, Singh BS. A Giant Combined Laryngomucocele. Int J Head Neck Surg 2014;5(1):45-47.
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