Reconstruction of Complex Buccolabial Defects: Feasibility of Local Flaps with respect to Cosmetic and Functional Outcomes
SR Priya, Chandrashekhar Dravid
Citation Information :
Priya S, Dravid C. Reconstruction of Complex Buccolabial Defects: Feasibility of Local Flaps with respect to Cosmetic and Functional Outcomes. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015; 6 (4):155-160.
Complex defects resulting from resection of buccolabial cancers are generally reconstructed with pedicled flaps or with free flaps, often resulting in suboptimal cosmesis and function.
Materials and methods
A total of 11 patients with malignancies involving the oral commissure and lips were studied. Wide excision and reconstruction with local flaps was done. Posttreatment mouth opening, hair match, color match, vermilion match, resection margins, and disease control were documented.
Average interlabial mouth opening was 3.6 cm and interincisor 3.3 cm. Good hair and color match was seen in all patients. Vermilion match was achieved in all but three patients. Resection margins were wide in all. All but one patient (distant metastases of malignant melanoma) were disease free at the last follow-up.
Local flaps provide good cover for complex buccolabial defects, without affecting disease clearance. In view of definite advantages over distant and free flaps, they should regain their place in the head and neck surgeon's armamentarium.
How to cite this article
Dravid C, Priya SR. Reconstruction of Complex Buccolabial Defects: Feasibility of Local Flaps with respect to Cosmetic and Functional Outcomes. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(4):155-160.
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