Serum Lipid Profile in Chronic Smokers with Head and Neck Malignancy vs Chronic Smokers without Head and Neck Malignancy: A Comparative Study
Rakesh Ramachandran, Sai Manohar, Gangadhara Somayaji
Citation Information :
Ramachandran R, Manohar S, Somayaji G. Serum Lipid Profile in Chronic Smokers with Head and Neck Malignancy vs Chronic Smokers without Head and Neck Malignancy: A Comparative Study. Int J Head Neck Surg 2016; 7 (4):193-196.
Lipids play an important role in cell division and growth and have long been associated with cancers. Smoking is also known to alter serum lipid level. In this study, serum lipid profile in chronic smokers with head and neck malignancy was compared with chronic smokers without head and neck malignancy.
Materials and methods
In this study, 50 chronic smokers with histopathologically proven head and neck malignancy and 50 chronic smokers without malignancy were studied. Fasting blood samples were collected from the subjects and plasma lipid profile estimated.
There is no significant difference in total cholesterol, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, very low-density lipoprotein values between the groups.
There is no significant alteration of serum lipid profile in patients with head and neck malignancies and therefore it cannot be used as a serum marker as a diagnostic tool for early detection.
How to cite this article
Ramachandran R, Manohar S, Somayaji G. Serum Lipid Profile in Chronic Smokers with Head and Neck Malignancy vs Chronic Smokers without Head and Neck Malignancy: A Comparative Study. Int J Head Neck Surg 2016;7(4):193-196.
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