International Journal of Head and Neck Surgery

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2015 | January-March | Volume 6 | Issue 1

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Chris de Souza

Thyroid gland

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:1] [Pages No:0 - 0]

   DOI: 10.5005/ijhns-6-1-v  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



Rajwant Kaur Chahal, Pravin Kumar

Alteration in Activation Pattern of Neck Muscles in Patients with Chronic Neck Pain

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:7] [Pages No:1 - 7]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1207  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



The aim of this study was to investigate activation pattern of neck muscles in patients with chronic neck pain of nontraumatic origin during static tasks.

Materials and methods

Fifteen normal subjects were taken in group A and 15 patients with chronic neck pain of nontraumatic origin were taken in group B. Electromyography (EMG) activity was recorded from the sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalene, levator scapulae and upper trapezius muscles. Percentage maximum voluntary isometric contraction were calculated during static tasks, which included shoulder abduction to 90° and hold, shrug and hold, craniocervical flexion and hold.


There was no significant (p > 0.05) difference found in activation pattern of neck muscles when we compared right and left sides within groups A and B. But when we compared between groups, group B showed a significant (p < 0.05) increased activation pattern in anterior scalene, sternocleidomastoid, upper trapezius compared to normal subject's neck muscles except levator scapulae which shows no significant difference between groups.


It is concluded from the study that, in patient of nontraumatic origin of chronic neck pain, all the patients showed a significant increased level of EMG activity in neck muscles during performance of static activities as compared to asymptomatic controls.

How to cite this article

Chahal RK, Kumar P. Alteration in Activation Pattern of Neck Muscles in Patients with Chronic Neck Pain. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):1-7.



Sajad M Qazi, Irfan Iqbal, Aneesa Mirza, Ihshan Ali, Sheetal Kumari

Sinonasal Verrucous Carcinoma

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:2] [Pages No:8 - 9]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1208  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Qazi SM, Iqbal I, Mirza A, Ali I, Kumari S. Sinonasal Verrucous Carcinoma. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):8-9.



Anshu Jain, Nishat Afroz, Nida Shamim

Giant Cell Angiofibroma Scalp: A Rare Neoplasm

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:10 - 13]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1209  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Qadri S, Afroz N, Jain A, Shamim N. Giant Cell Angiofibroma Scalp: A Rare Neoplasm. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):10-13.



Jai Prakash Agarwal, Poonam Joshi, Shubhada Kane

Pitfall of Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography in assessing Metastasis in a Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:14 - 16]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1210  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Joshi P, Chaturvedi P, Agarwal JP, Kane S. Pitfall of Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography in assessing Metastasis in a Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):14-16.



Devayani Shinde, Yogesh G Dabholkar, Akanksha A Saberwal, Haritosh Kamalakar Velankar

Use of Intralesional Bleomycin for Oral Hemangioma of Sturge-Weber Syndrome

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:17 - 19]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1211  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Shinde D, Dabholkar YG, Saberwal AA, Velankar HK, Shetty AK. Use of Intralesional Bleomycin for Oral Hemangioma of Sturge-Weber Syndrome. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):17-19.



Pratik Dipak Shah, Srijon Mukherji, Yogendra Chauhan

Castleman's Disease: An Orphan Lymphoproliferative Disorder

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:20 - 22]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1212  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Shah PD, Chauhan Y, Mukherji s. Castleman's Disease: An Orphan Lymphoproliferative Disorder. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):20-22.



Santosh Kumar Swain, Mahesh Chandra Sahu, Rajashree Tripathy

A Giant Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Palatine Arch in a 75-Year-Old Man: A Case Report with Review of Literature

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:23 - 25]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1213  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Swain SK, Sahu MC, Tripathy R. A Giant Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Palatine Arch in a 75-Year-Old Man: A Case Report with Review of Literature. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):23-25.



Anandabrata Bose, Arup Sengupta, Tshering Dorjee Sherpa, Nomi Paul

Fourth Branchial Fistula: Revisited

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:26 - 28]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1214  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Bose A, Sengupta A, Sherpa TD, Paul N. Fourth Branchial Fistula: Revisited. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):26-28.



Vikas Jain, Arun Prabhu Ganeshan, Bennet Rajmohan, G Amarnath

Synovial Sarcoma Parotid Gland: Diagnostic Dilemma

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:29 - 31]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1215  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Ganeshan AP, Rajmohan B, Amarnath G, Jain V. Synovial Sarcoma Parotid Gland: Diagnostic Dilemma. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):29-31.



Vadisha Srinivas Bhat, Marina Saldanha, K Biniyam, Harish S Permi

Unusual Presentation of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:32 - 34]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1216  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Saldanha M, Biniyam K, Permi HS, Bhat VS. Unusual Presentation of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):32-34.



Kanchan Rajesh Raikwar, Monali H Ghodke, Vikramsinh B Deshmukh, Janardan B Garde, Rajendrakumar K Suryavanshi

Schwannoma of the Lower Lip Mucosa: An Unexpected Finding

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:35 - 37]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1217  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Raikwar KR, Ghodke MH, Deshmukh VB, Garde JB, Suryavanshi RK. Schwannoma of the Lower Lip Mucosa: An Unexpected Finding. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):35-37.



Anju Mathai, Satheesan Balasubramanian

Oral Commissure Defect Reconstruction with Modified Biflanged Submental Artery Island Flap

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:3] [Pages No:38 - 40]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1218  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 


How to cite this article

Mathai A, Balasubramanian S, Babu S. Oral Commissure Defect Reconstruction with Modified Biflanged Submental Artery Island Flap. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):38-40.



Eurico Costa, Hugo Estibeiro, Miguel Magalhães

Lingual Hematoma: A Rare Cause of Upper Airway Obstruction

[Year:2015] [Month:January-March] [Volume:6] [Number:1] [Pages:4] [Pages No:41 - 44]

   DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10001-1219  |  Open Access |  How to cite  | 



The authors present a case report of a patient with a lingual hematoma treated in the otolaryngology department of portuguese institute of oncology, lisbon, followed by a brief literature review.

Case report

A case of a 43 years old female with a diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia since 2007, submitted to allograft bone marrow transplantation in 2008 at the Portuguese Oncology Institute, Lisbon. With diagnosis of recurrence since May 2011, she was hospitalized in october 2011, due to a lower gastrointestinal bleeding in the context of a cytomegalovirus colitis associated with pancytopenia. During hospitalization, the patient experienced a tonicclonic seizure. less than 12 hours after this episode, the patient developed a massive lingual hematoma. Despite exuberant macroglossia and tongue proptosis, the patient showed no signs of active bleeding or severe dyspnea and was submitted to conservative medical treatment.


Lingual hematoma has many causes, being trauma and hemorrhagic dyscrasias among the most frequent. The first therapeutic objective should be evaluated and gua ranted upper airway patency. once the airway is secured, hemorrhage and hematoma should be treated according to its etiology. This can be achieved with conservative medical therapy, intervention radiology or surgery.


Lingual hematoma is as rare as potentially fatal. prompt recognition and management is critical for a favorable outcome.

How to cite this article

Costa E, Estibeiro H, Magalhães M. Lingual Hematoma: A Rare Cause of Upper Airway Obstruction. Int J Head Neck Surg 2015;6(1):41-44.


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